Erraza Da

by Eusko Jaurlaritza - Gobierno Vasco



The first word has a lot to do with the choice of the language that will be used in the conversation. For this reason, with the aim of facilitating the use of Euskara for customers, it is very important to greet with a “Kaixo!” or ask “Zer hartu nahi duzu?”.What do you want to achieve with the ERRAZA DA initiative?Promote the use of Basque. Bring Basque to people who work in the hotel, business or other types of services and make it easier for customers to order in Basque.That hotel, business or other types of service personnel learn two words a day in Basque and that, after three months, they have managed to learn 200 words/short phrases useful for their work.For this, a practical exercise has been proposed, as a challenge. The clientele will appreciate it and, in addition, will value the effort made.Lehenengo hitzak zerikusi handia du elkarrizketa batean erabiliko den hizkuntza aukeratzerakoan. Horregatik, bezeroei euskararen erabilera errazteko, bear garrantzitsua da “Kaixo!” batekin agurtzea edo “zer hartu nahi duzu?” galdetzea.Zer lortu nahi da ERRAZA DA ekimenarekin?Euskararen erabilera sustatzea. Ostalaritzan, merkataritzan edo bestelako zerbitzuetan lan egiten duten pertsonak euskarara hurbiltzea eta bezeroei euskaraz eskatzen laguntzea.Ostalaritzako, merkataritzako edo bestelako zerbitzuetako langileek egunean bi hitz euskaraz ikastea eta, hiru hilabete igarota, lanerako baliagarriak diren 200 hitz/esaldi labur ikastea.Horretarako, ariketa praktiko bat plantatu da, erronka gisa. Bezeroek eskertuko dute eta, gainera, egindako ahalegina baloratuko dute.